I belong to an online group over at Delphi Forums comprised of women who love to smock and sew heirloom clothing. If you are a sew you are familiar with your fabric stash. Stash are those pieces of fabric that we buy knowing exactly what we are going to do with it but just don't get around to do that sewing. Then we see another gorgeous piece of fabric and buy that as well. And we keep buying and buying. The purpose of this contest challenged us not to purchase anything. However, if we need something to finish an outfit such as a button, then we are able to purchase it. We get points base how much smocking there is in an outfit, whether it was a new technique, how old the fabric is, etc. I entered this challenged not expecting to win but instead being challenged to finish some UFO's (unfinished objects) and to use some of the fabric that is taking up space in at least one closet and a chest of drawers! Anyway, I wanted to share a few of my favorite outfits that I sewed this past month.
If you are a smocker, let me invite you to our site: http://forums.delphiforums.com/Heirloom/start
Wahoo...some of those dresses will be mine!
ReplyDeleteLet us know how the contest ends up!
ReplyDeleteOk Jane, this is getting scary. We have the same name, the same sign, and the same favorite movies! Oh, guess not. I don't have any finished stash projects!