What's the rush? Can't New Year's resolutions be made anytime in the first month of the New Year? Mine, and I am hanging my head down low, is to write more frequently on this blog. So many things have happened that I haven't written about or documented and they would have made such great blogs. I am going to mix it up a little - some from earlier this past year and some current.
Current - Our son Chris is finishing up his three weeks in Europe. He left Dec. 26th to join a study abroad program. He is working toward his MBA (graduation is May from George Washington University in Washington DC) and these three weeks are credits for him. He arrived in Barcelona and then traveled to Paris, Interlaken, Zurich, Venice and Milan. To read some of his adventures here is his blog: http://www.travelblog.org/Europe/Spain/Catalonia/Barcelona/blog-465171.html The photos are all his. Once you have read this one, please click on next entry to read about his free weekend in Brugge, Belgium. Feel free to wander around his blog for all of his adventures around the world. The photo above is his taken on New Year's Eve in Paris.
Nice to see you blogging again!!