After the wedding Darrell and I went to Atlanta so I could attend my first every SAGA convention. For those of you who are wondering what is a SAGA, it is Smocking Arts Guild of America. I began smocking almost 25 years ago when Lisa was only a few months old. I smocked most of her dresses until she reached third grade and then she just didn't care for the clothes I made her. I accepted it and moved on to other things. About 10 years later when I was working in the schools, we had a lot of young pregnant teachers. Rather than throwing $10 into a pot to buy the teacher a gift, I decided that I would get a yard of fabric and smock them a dress instead. They all loved a
handsmocked dress. I realized how much I missed smocking and how much I really liked it. I've never been real sure of my skills of smocking or sewing - it was fine for me but how was I really doing. The purpose of convention was to further the tradition of smocking and learning new skills. I promptly signed up for convention and on May 1st signed up for the classes that I wanted during the five days of convention.
I asked Judy to be my roommate, she agreed and it was now waiting time for October 13
th to come. Darrell drove me down and then he went camping for a week while I was holed up in the
Peachtree Westin (gee, sorry about that Darrell!!!). I took two classes with Gail
Doane, a class with Judith Adams, and a class with
Vaune Pierce. Some classes I felt that I was way ahead of the curve, others were just perfect and one I was behind the curve. The best part of the convention was meeting all the Delphi ladies. One of the groups on Delphi is for Smocking and Heirloom Sewing hosted by Robin. I have been a member of this board for about 7 years having only met two members in person. Although I didn't know most of the ladies in person, I felt like I knew them, and they of me. It was great putting a face and personality to a name on the board. They were and are a great group of ladies and I look forward to more conventions with them! If you want to "lurk" and check it out, here is the link:
You should put pictures of the beautiful dress that you made for Natalie and Freeman up here.